Dongguan Runke Ink painting Co., LTD

Despre noi

Dongguan Runke Ink painting Co., LTD is located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. ---- Professional Productie de apabased vopsire si apa

based cerneala, folosite in toate suporturi de hârtie,non-noven, pungi de plastic, ceasuri de sine

adehesive, hârtie de hârtie, prosoape de hârtie, imprimare de carton, cerneală de plastic gravură and professional ordering of various sewage treatment equipment.--- Water

based ink: water

based carton ink, gravure plastic ink,nonwoven ink, paper towels, paper cups, paper bags and other Imprimarea ambalajelor.-----Water-based glazing oil: water based glazing oil, glazing oil, highgloss, wearresistant, matte, waterproof, antifreezing and other environmentally friendly water based products.Produsul este potrivit pentru flexografie, placă de cupru, imprimare de acoperire.



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